6pm congregation is contemporary in style and is for all ages, but caters especially to teenagers and young adults. There is supper provided after the service and an opportunity to catch up with each other.

For pre-school children & their carers Tuesdays (during school term) 9.30am—10.30am Austi Church Playtime is a musical playtime. Parents and carers also enjoy a chat and help their children to interact. The cost is $5 weekly per family. Barista coffee included, please bring along your own childs nut free morning tea. No need to pre-book,…

Free K-6 after school program Thursdays 3.30pm to 5pm Afternoon tea, games, song and bible talk. Walking bus available from Austinmer Public School. Parent car pool from Thirroul Public School. Contact James Massey, Youth and Children’s Minister Austi Church – REGISTER HERE

Free high schoolers program Thursday nights – 6.30pm to 8.30pm – Games, bible talk, small discussion groups. Contact James Massey, Youth and Children’s Minister Austi Church – REGISTER HERE

9am congregation is contemporary in style. There is a creche for babies and toddlers, children’s programs for preschoolers to year 8 at high school. Morning tea after the service provides an opportunity for casual mingling.