In making this summary we are in keeping with what Christian churches have believed down the centuries since the first century.
The Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed are historic statements of the Christian faith which we say regularly in our Sunday gatherings to remind us of what we believe and encourage us to stay within these beliefs.
As we are an Anglican church we also stand within a heritage of teaching and belief that has sought to guard the great truths of the Christian faith. The Thirty-Nine Articles are a summary of this heritage and are still the doctrinal foundation for the Anglican church world-wide. If you want to explore them in more detail please ask one of the ministry staff.
Nevertheless, below is a summary;
We believe that the Bible (Old and New Testament) is God’s inspired and authoritative word. Therefore we obey God’s Word as it directs, instructs and constrains us. In the Bible God reveals himself to this world as a relational being- Father, Son & Spirit. God as Creator of this world is also the rightful ruler of this world. The Bible’s unified story is God’s plan of salvation for this world. At the centre of the Bible’s story, and God’s plan, is God’s Son – Jesus Christ. In Jesus life, death & resurrection all God’s plans and promises are fulfilled.
We believe that salvation is salvation from sin – God’s forgiveness of our sins. God’s forgiveness means we can come into a relationship with him and receive new life in Jesus name. The price of forgiveness was Jesus death on the cross in our place. His death bore our punishment. The Father and the Son were prepared to pay this price because of God’s great love for this world.
We believe forgiveness and new life with God are received when a person responds in repentance and faith to Jesus Christ. Repentance is a u-turn back to God acknowledging we have lived in rebellion to him and from this point on we want to live under his rule. Faith is coming to God empty handed and trusting solely in what Jesus has done for us. Therefore Jesus is the unique and only way to God. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We believe that Jesus gives the Holy Spirit as a sign and guarantee of our new relationship with God. The Holy Spirit ‘takes up residence’ in our lives and begins to transform us so we grow to be more and more like Jesus. This transformation and growth is life-long.
We believe that we are saved into a family – the church. As Jesus’ church here in Austinmer and Thirroul we are to be witnesses to the risen Christ as we proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins in his name. Inseparable to this proclamation of Jesus is showing the love of Jesus in word and action.
We believe that Jesus will return as he promised to judge the living and the dead. For those who have refused Jesus rule they will be condemned to hell. For those who accepted Jesus rule they will be gathered to heaven. Jesus return will also herald the end of this world and the final fulfilment of God’s plan of salvation.
The end of the Bible’s story pictures the new heavens and the new earth with God’s people dwelling with him forever with all evil, sin, suffering and death no more.
We believe God will bring this to fulfilment.